Maps & Directions

Directions to Duxbury

Take 93 South to Route 3 South

Take Exit 10 for South Duxbury (not Exit 11, even though it is also for Duxbury)

Turn left at the exit onto Route 3A

Continue on 3A for several miles until you reach an intersection with the blinking light (Milepost Restaurant)

Turn right at the intersection and continue to the roundabout

Go straight thru the roundabout (exit with the Gas Station to your left)

Turn onto Harden Hill Road, the first road to the right.

Bertam Retreat Center (21 Harden Hill Road) is on the right

The Chapel (30 Harden Hill Road)

The Farmhouse Guesthouse (40 Harden Hill Road)

The Convent (50 Harden Hill Road)

St. Marina’s Guesthouse (60 Harden Hill Road)   are all on the left side.