50 Harden Hill Rd Duxbury
MA 02332
Did you know that there are Sisters and Brothers in the Episcopal Church? Do you have questions and are you curious about Religious Life, wondering what God might be calling you to? Come and Explore, Connect, Discover. Spend time at the Convent with our Sisters and get a deeper look at the vocation to Religious Life. This is a time to get to know us, ask questions and see us “in action” – at work, at play, in prayer, and in worship.
Our guests will follow a schedule that includes:
6:00 am Morning Prayer
7:30 am Holy Eucharist
12 noon An Order of Service for Noonday
5:00 pm Evening Prayer
7:30 pm Compline
There is no cost for these programs but registration is required in advance and can be completed at: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/665275
Guests are responsible for their own transportation to/from the Convent and should plan to arrive in the afternoon and depart mid-morning. Further questions can be directed to sisters@ssmbbos.org.