Our Lives Reflect Our Mission
“Everything for God alone, to God’s greater glory and more perfect love.”
We are called by God to follow our Lord Jesus Christ and to devote every faculty of body, mind and spirit to him. Our lives are focused around the richness of classic Anglican liturgy, celebrating the diversity, fullness, and creativity of the people of God. Strengthened by our daily prayer and the Eucharist, we are energized to go forth in service. Through our worship we bring the timeless mystery of the divine into the lives of those we touch.
Wherever we are, we build relationships with the poor, the lonely, and the forgotten. We actively partner in mission with others who share our passion for a world of justice, mercy and peace. Faith and action are blended together to transform the lives of many.
In addition to the varied ministries involving the Sisters in Boston, we have an urban ministry in partnership with Trinity Church Wall Street in New York City and a mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.