Who We Are

Sisters of St. Margaret | who-2 Sisters of St. Margaret | who-3 Sisters of St. Margaret

The Sisters of St. Margaret are an Episcopal Religious Order of women called to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through our worship and work, prayer and common life. Our commitment to God and to one another is expressed through vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience.

The Sisters live a balanced life of active work and contemplative prayer. The Eucharist and our daily prayer, both individually and corporately, are at the heart of our lives. The community is always ready to share its life with those who seek to come closer to God.

Some of the Sisters also teach, serve as chaplains in hospitals and prisons, celebrate the Eucharist and preach, minister with the homeless, the poor, and the elderly. Whatever we do is done to the honor and glory of Jesus.

There are presently twenty-one Sisters in the community. The ages range from thirty-two to ninety-five! Our members come from all walks of life including former schoolteachers, nurses, musicians, and administrators. We are a multi-cultural community with Sisters from Haiti, Canada, and Tortola. Three Sisters are ordained priests in the Episcopal Church.