Welcome to the Society of St. Margaret
We are an Episcopal Religious Order of mission focused Sisters living an ancient tradition with a modern outlook, and are called to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through our worship and work, prayer and common life. Our commitment to God and to one another is expressed through vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience. As we offer hospitality and holy space to individuals and groups at our Convent, work with inner-city children and the indigent elderly, serve in parishes, and lead retreats and quiet days, we seek always to live as Christ’s hands and heart in this world.
An Update on Sr. Carolyn
Sr. Carolyn has taken a turn for the worse and is now on palliative care. Your prayers are asked for her and the community as she approaches the end of her life. - A Prayer for a Person near Death (BCP p. 462)- Almighty God, look on this your servant, lying in great...
An Announcement Regarding Sister Catherine Louise
Sr. Catherine Louise died on the eve of her 72nd profession anniversary, January 24, 2019. She had very recently fallen and broken her hip along with a few ribs. After consultation with the doctors and medical team, the decision was made not to do surgery. She...