Chapel Bell Tower Carolyn

Another summer has arrived and we are looking forward to our annual celebration of St. Margaret’s Day. We hope you
will join us on Saturday, July 18th.  This year marks a special moment for our Duxbury Chapel. This building, a simple structure erected in 1907 for summer use only, is now, of necessity, a year-round center of worship. In spite of several upgrades during its more than one hundred year history, it is still basically what it was in 1907. Its “bones” are those of a 108 year-old, and no further fixes and repairs will enable it to fulfill the new mission to which it is called: a year-round place of worship. This St. Margaret’s Day will be the last in the present Chapel. Do come and share this historic moment, giving thanks for this house of prayer and what it has meant to all of us over the years.

St. Margaret’s Day 2015
Holy Eucharist 10:00 am
Reception following in the Convent
Telephone 781-934-9477 x 701
Saturday, July 18

RSVP acceptances no later than Monday, July 13, 2015