Please join us at St. Margaret’s Chapel in Duxbury, MA for our annual celebration of St. Margaret’s Day on July 20th, 2018. Holy Eucharist will be at 11am with a reception to follow in the Convent. Our preacher this year will be the Rev. Dante Tavolaro, a Priest Associate currently serving as Curate at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Greenwich Rhode Island.

The Offering:
The offering collected at St. Margaret’s Day this year is designated for our ongoing efforts to recruit new Sisters and Associates. We are intensifying our vocations program here in Duxbury and will be offering an expanded series of Explore, Connect, Discover events for those interested to come, meet us, and experience our daily life.

As part of our effort to make the society more widely known, we will have a booth at The General Convention of the Episcopal Church to be held in Austin, Texas, in July. Our presence there gives us an unparalleled opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends.

Our Sisters continue to lead days of prayer and retreats, preach, and make presentations at forums and other events at parishes and diocese throughout the Episcopal Church. We appreciate your financial and prayerful support as we work to ensure that the Society can continue a vigorous life of mission and service into the future.